Fire of Mashiach
This Judaica painting in ink, silver and white acrylic and marker on watercolor paper represents the emergence of a new fire.
“Aish” is the Hebrew word for “Fire”. The word Aish is composed of two hebrew letters: Aleph and Shin. Since the letter Aleph is silent, Shin is the only consonant that is heard and therefore shown in the painting as a rising flame.
Fire can be destructive, it can consume and reduce objects and relationships into ashes and decomposition. On the other hand, it can be unifying. Just like the secret of the sun - “Shemesh” in hebrew is spelled Shin, Mem, Shin- that takes hydrogen (water is related to the letter Mem) and transforms it into solar energy and radiation. It’s is up to man to make fire into a tool for love and fulfillment.
One usually thinks of water and fire as 2 opposite elements that cannot co-exist because fire has the power to break matter apart and, in contrast, water causes matter to stick together.
But on a high spiritual level, these 2 elements complete each other and that is why they are both represented on this abstract Judaica art piece. The Shin represents symmetry and Grace. The shape of the letter Shin- the main letter in “Aish”- is a central axis with one line on each side of the axis. So on a deep level, the fire Aish reveals a spirit of Grace and Harmony.
This Spirit of Grace - Aish -springs out of the water as if gushing out of the waves and ascending from the source of Truth.
There are always so many ways to look at a painting.
Her is another one: This is a mystical approach according to ancient Jewish Kabbalah teachings. When the Jews crossed the sea, it was because of an old conditions made at the beginning of time. What allowed the sea to split was not only an miracle planned by God, but also the fire ( "Aish" in Hebrew) in the soul of a very daring leader, the prince of the tribe of Judah , who advanced in the waters until he could not breathe.
The symbolism of this modern Judaica Art painting is the powerful alliance of the heavenly powers triggered by human desire and actions.
This painting is at the same time fun to look at meaningful. While the deep kabbalistic interpretations bring good vibrations into your home or office this original art painting can also be used anywhere as a decorative modern painting to show off in any room of your home design and decoration.
Designed by an interior designer who saw the need of modern paintings to complement the modern living space of young families and modern art aficionados.
Featuring the latest style in ink, gouache and silver acrylic . Standard size 18x24" makes it easy to frame .